#19: Building a Successful Business From the Ground Up with Chantel Powell of Play Pits

Season #2

In this episode your host Emmanuel Eleyae talks with Chantel Powell - founder and CEO of Play Pits deodorant. She talks about her previous jobs and how they prepared and inspired her to be her own boss. You’ll hear the origin story of Play Pits - how and why she started her business and how it’s grown over the years. She also talks about how she built her community of supporters through social media and some different ways she achieved that. You’ll also hear about the struggles of being an entrepreneur and how she learned to delegate responsibilities.

Chantel’s background/building a business:

  • (1:55) Intro/about Chantel & her business
  • (4:53) Chantel reflects on her journey - trusting the process, learning, and taking it day by day
  • (6:42) Background - she went to school for fashion merchandising, worked in film production, and is a first generation college grad/entrepreneur 
  • (8:26) Wisdom for aspiring entrepreneurs - success depends on your drive & how bad you want it
  • (10:27) Dark days - entrepreneurship comes with highs and lows and you have to be able to pick yourself back up and work through frustrations. Having a strong support system is crucial
  • (14:03) Chantel talks about her previous jobs and how they prepared her for entrepreneurship - she was laid off and they said she had “too much power” in her position which fueled her desire to be her own boss
  • (17:40) As Play Pits was growing and she was in between jobs she decided to dedicate all her time to her business for 1 year to grow it in hopes of being able to supplement her income by the end of the year

How Play Pits started & grew:

  • (19:37) The story of how Play Pits was started - her son needed a deodorant that he would actually wear that was safe & effective. Her supporters (underarmie) helped spread the word of her business and grow it to where it is now
  • (25:40) She didn’t have the money for marketing so she used social media to tell people about her products - she calls herself a “scrappy CEO” because she is creative in the ways she works with people
  • (29:27) Marketing amplifies the message - social media is not good for sales, it is good for exposure. The product has to be good
  • (32:22) Product testing/improvement. She focuses on negative feedback in order to make improvements. Must be willing to make changes

Scaling her business/overcoming struggles:

  • (36:22) You need to have passion & solve an actual problem with your product or else it won’t work. You can’t be in it just for the money - you need a “why” 
  • (41:23) Transitioning to a team - passing along responsibilities to people who can handle it. Learning how to delegate
  • (46:54) Benefits of delegation - she has a team to solve problems. Micromanaging hurts the business
  • (52:45) Chantel talks about a devastating warehouse fire that happened last year and how/why she kept going
  • (1:01:15) Scaling slowly to be able to keep up with demand & launching in retail stores and competing with big brands


  • (10:36) “This isn’t for everybody, it’s only for the people who are crazy enough. I really think entrepreneurship is for people who are crazy and insane.”
  • (11:28) “It’s not always an enjoyable journey, but it’s always a rewarding journey.”
  • (50:45) “When you’re stuck on all the little things you can’t really dream new dreams and breathe new life into the vision that you have.”
  • (1:02:33) “I’ve never chased the money, I’ve always chased excellence and I never wanted to put us in a position where we couldn’t deliver excellence.”


Website: playpits.com

Instagram: @playpits

TikTok: @playpitsdeo

YouTube: @playpits